
A boiler is a heating chamber used to create hot water or steam for hydronic baseboard, radiant heat or steam radiator heating systems. Boiler fuels include natural gas, propane, fuel oil, and electricity. Hot water boilers can be small, compact, energy efficient and low maintenance. Steam boilers are more complex and have special gauge glass, pressure gauges, blow off valves and automatic feeds.

Radiant Heating

Radiant heating systems involve supplying heat directly to the floor or to panels in the wall or ceiling of a house.  It is more efficient than baseboard heating and forced-air heating, because no energy is lost through ducts.

Central Air Conditioning

 A central cooling system produces cool air in one central area and distributes it throughout the home through ducts.

Ductless Air Conditioning

Ductless systems are mounted compactly on the wall, near the ceiling, delivering cooling directly into the space where you need it.  They tend to be less bulky and more aesthetically pleasing than window units, and air does not lose cooling capacity traveling through ducts as in central air systems.

Gas & Oil Furnaces

A furnace is the component of an HVAC system that adds heat to air (or an intermediate fluid) by burning fuel (natural gas, oil, propane, butane, or other flammable substances) in a heat exchanger. The heated air is circulated throughout the home (or other structure) using a network of ducts. Fuel oil furnaces are high-maintenance, troublesome, and dirty. Where natural gas service is available, installing a new gas furnace can be less expensive than replacing an old fuel oil furnace.

Heat Pumps

 A heat pump heats your home in the winter by extracting heat from the outdoor air.  In the summer, it pulls heat out of the indoor air and releases it outside to keep your home cool and dry.  Its ability to both heat and cool makes the heat pump an economical and efficient home comfort system.

Hot Water Heaters

A water heater is a gas and/or electrically powered device to provide hot water for washing and other uses. Water heating is a thermodynamic process that uses a heating source to heat water above its initial temperature.